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LGO EXAM 2015-16 to the cadere of PA/SA from POSTMAN /MAILGUARD and MTS cadere will be held on 31-07-2016

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Com. A. B. Bardhan is nomore..

Rip Com.A.B.Bardhan
Passed away on 02.01.2016
Just in 91 years age
Veteran Communist Party of India leader Com. A.B. Bardhan, ...
92, is survived by son Ashok and daughter Alka. His wife, a professor in Nagpur University, died in1986....

com.Bardhan, who lived in the CPI headquarters in the national capital, was admitted to the hospital on December 7 after he felt uneasiness and lost consciousness, died here on Saturday night after prolonged illness.

Com.Ardhendu Bhushan Bardhan has been a leading figure of the trade union movement and Left politics in Maharashtra. Bardhan entered the electoral politics in 1957 when he won as an Independent candidate in Maharashtra Assembly polls but there failed to achieve success in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha polls.

He later rose to become the General Secretary and then President of All India Trade Union Congress, the oldest trade union in India.

Com. Bardhan had moved to Delhi politics in 1990s and became the Deputy General Secretary of CPI. He succeeded Com.Indrajit Gupta as General Secretary of the party in 1996.

He is a great leader who fought for the cause of downtrodden and working class, decades together.

"Red salute, Comrade Bardhan.

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